
Beauty Resolutions You’ll Love Sticking To

First, the bad news: by the time February rolls around, 80 percent of us will have broken our New Year’s resolutions, according to U.S. News and World Report. (Yikes.) As for the other 20 percent? Maybe they’re possessed of superhuman willpower. Maybe they’re among those people who resolve not to make resolutions. Or maybe, just… Read more »


Tulasāra™: a Skincare Transformation

Aveda is transforming how we take care of your skin. We’ve just launched the Tulasāra line, which we’re so excited to introduce. It’s all about high-performance meeting high touch, it’s wildly different—and it’s effective.


Vacation Necessities for Sun, Sand & Surf

‘Tis the season for using up those vacation days while the weather is still warm and perfect for relaxing. Whether you’re headed to the beach, relaxing poolside, or exploring the streets of somewhere new, here are some vacation necessities to toss in the suitcase while packing for your holiday.


A Collection of Little Moments

It’s finally here – the day you’ve spent months planning for and years dreaming of. The rest of your life begins with a single step down the aisle, and when you take that step, all eyes are on you. We would be honored to be given the opportunity to play some small part in your… Read more »


Welcome To Our Blog!

Just like a hairstyle needs to be revamped every once in a while to stay with the trends, so does a website. Tulip Salon Spa is pleased to announce our new website – with more features for easier booking, gifting, and browsing!