You’ve admired the photos of smiling, adorable children displayed in their styling stations—or maybe you’ve watched their baby bumps get a little bigger with each passing appointment. Yep, Tulip Salon stylists are hair whizzes when you visit them during business hours…but they’re moms around the clock. Today, in honor of Mother’s Day, we’re proud to introduce two incredible team members who are also incredible moms. Master stylist Samantha Hill is a team lead and a mother of three. (How she manages to show up at work with a perfect asymmetric bob each morning, we’ll never know). Meagan Lingar is pregnant with her first child. Here’s a little more about what they’ve learned, how they’ve grown and their favorite parts of this crazy, unpredictable, unforgettable journey called motherhood.
Meagan Lingar – Pregnant mom-to-be
What’s your favorite thing about being a mom?
Knowing that my baby relies on me, and no one else can care for him the way I do—at least for the next month!
How has being a mom grown you as a person?
Since finding out I was pregnant, I’ve taken more time to think through the decisions I make, because I know that I’m not the only person impacted anymore.
What’s your funniest mom moment?
Countless attacks of pregnancy brain! Most recently, I walked into a store for five minutes and when I came out, I couldn’t remember where my car was at all. At least I can laugh about it now!
What’s your guilty mom pleasure?
I love watching my husband put together and play with all the baby gear. It’s amazing to see someone so excited over a diaper pail.
What advice do you have for the next generation of moms?
I don’t yet have any advice on how to be a good parent. One important thing I have done is listen to all the advice I’ve been given. Whether I walk away and forget it or use it forever, I listen!
Samantha Hills
What’s your favorite thing about being a mom?
The fact that every day is different! We’re constantly learning new things and growing right alongside our kids—I love that!
How has being a mom grown you as a person?
Since becoming a mom, I have learned to be much more patient and to truly listen. Kids have a lot to say, and you don’t want to miss it.
What’s your funniest mom moment?
It doesn’t actually involve my kids. But when you become a mom, you become this crazy packer who is prepared for everything. My sister broke something in her hotel room and she said, “Wish I had Crazy Glue.” Well, guess who had some in her purse just in case someone broke a toy while we were out of town? It made my sister and I laugh for five minutes.
What’s your guilty mom pleasure?
A bath after a long day. And of course, shopping never hurts.
What advice do you have for the next generation of moms?
Don’t stress so much about being perfect; just be present! Kids won’t remember decorations at a party or how clean everything was. Just enjoy the everyday moments to bond.
As different as Samantha and Meagan are, both advocate living in the moment. One great way to stay present is by balancing a busy schedule with moments of serenity. Is there a mom in your life who could use some me-time? Treat her to a gift card (Bonus: you’ll get a $20 Aveda gift for yourself with a $100 gift card purchase). And Happy Mother’s Day!